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CEO with fingers crossed behind his back while communicating with board of directors Picture this. You have a meeting with the Board, your cashflow is down to six months, and sales projections are down. How do you handle telling your investors? a. Sugar coat the situation like a jelly doughnut b. Get in the weeds and give 'em the gory details c. Blame the guy whose fault it really is

(Updated March 25, 2024)

You may be an ace at the art of the positive spin, but according to a recent TechCrunch article, that may not be the best approach when dealing with investors. 

Picture this. You have a meeting with the Board, your cashflow is down to six months, and sales projections are down.

How do you handle telling your investors?

  1. Sugar coat the situation like a jelly doughnut 
  2. Get in the weeds and give ’em the gory details
  3. Blame the guy whose fault it really is 

Hint: It’s kind of the middle answer.

According to a TechCrunch article entitled “How to communicate with your board in tough times,” openness and transparency are key.

Not a huge surprise there, but the article is still worth a read because the author, Roger Lee of Battery Ventures, a venture capital and private equity firm, gives tips on what else you should do if you’re ever called upon to have this difficult conversation.

PR and marketing is about a lot more that just media coverage and external messaging. To learn more about how the right communication can impact your investor and partner relations, contact Jeri today.