I hear it all the time: Great talent isn’t easy to find for mortgage technology and service providers. So when you find someone who is just killing it on the job, you hang on tight with both hands, right?
Wrong. Apparently, if you’re like some of today’s top leaders, you don’t just let them walk away, you help them to the door. (Um, huh?)
I believe that giving is a crucial part of true gain. But CEOs encouraging superstar employees to leave? That sounds like Crazy Town, USA, right?
Why would anyone want to lose a star player?
In short, this behavior seems reflective of leaders with an abundance mentality (and a strong footing in good old-fashioned reality). Whatever it is, after reading this article by a Dartmouth prof, it makes sense.
Sydney Finkelstein, the author of this article (which was published in the Wall Street Journal’s Business section, by the way), has spent 10 years studying business luminaries. And when I say luminaries, I mean it. These guys could light up a football stadium during a solar eclipse.
Read Finkelstein’s WSJ.com article “Why the Best Leaders Want Their Best Employees to Leave.“